“I would not have started programming if it was not for video games.” — Elon Musk, CEO Tesla/ Space X
— Ida Byrd-Hill, CEO, Automation Workz
DETROIT, MI, US, May 15, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “Unlock your inner tech genius like Elon Musk” states Ida Byrd-Hill CEO of Automation Workz and creator of Senseii Games.
Senseii Games is a puzzle maze game where users move a robot from point A to point B using stacked blocks with simple directions. The blocks have directions, such, “Turn Right”, “Move Forward” and “Pen Up”. At the end of each level, users receive a message, “Congratulations! You created JavaScript. Go to </> for code. Play next level.” Full Javascript code is available to be copied.
The mazes get more complicated at each level and so does the JavaScript code, proving users have the algorithmic mindset needed for technology careers.
Automation Workz has been using Senseii Games as an admissions tool for their Cybersecurity, network engineer and Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Data Analytics workforce development tech training programs. Ida Byrd-Hill exclaims, “Our learners attend tech certification training for 36-48 weeks and earn like a college graduate. Our highest graduate is earning $166,000 with 30% of our alumni earning over $100,000.” Many of our learners earned $10-$15 per hour before playing Senseii Games and attending training. After training, our average learner hourly wage is $32.”
Senseii Games is an electronic version of building blocks. It is easy to play and easy to learn how to code JavaScript.
Automation Workz is giving away Senseii Games for Free to any adult or young person who wants to play their way to a high-paying tech job. https://www.senseiigames.com
Ida Byrd-Hill, CEO of Automation Workz, is a graduate of the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor with a BA in Economics and Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University with an MBA. Ida has 35 years of business experience.
Ida Byrd-Hill is a member of the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and CEO Talent Council; and Chair of West Michigan African American Tech Readiness Collaborative. She is also a member of the Electric Vehicle Jobs Academy, and Society Human Resources Management (SHRM).
Ida is the author of 8 books, including Invisible Talent Market-Solving the Talent Shortage Without Outsourcing and Visas. https://www.autoworkz.org
Ida Byrd-Hill
Automation Workz
+1 313-444-4885
email us here
You are Smart Enough Code
Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/711659848/senseii-games-teaches-javascript-programming-through-video-game-play
The post Senseii Games Teaches JavaScript Programming through Video Game Play first appeared on Beauty Ring Magazine.