The Real Diva Wings Bra Organizer Disrupts the Bra Industry

The Real Diva Wings Bra Organizer Disrupts the Bra Industry

Image of the 1pc set

Diva Wings angel logo

Diva Wings Logo

Diva Wings organizer with the door hook

Image of the 1pc set

The Technology of Bras has Changed Since the 90’s and So Should the Way Women Store Them

Oh my God the Diva Wings is an answer to my prayer. It saved me a ton of space and it’s so pretty!”

— J. Taylor

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, UNITED STATES, April 21, 2023/ — The Diva Wings Bra Organizer is not from the 90’s.

The Diva Wings is an innovative bra organizer that matches the energy of today’s woman. No longer are women ashamed of their womanhood. In fact women are more likely than not to show a little skin and express their feminine pride. The idea of a woman being beautiful , unashamed and into self-care is flooded all over social media. The Diva Wings bra organizer is the solution women of today seek and it could not have come at a better time. Women across the globe are reconnecting to their most feminine selves. Since 2022 the fashion industry has exploded with the color pink. From corporate attire to leisure wear their is something pink for every woman. New hashtags are trending as well as in like #selfcare #pinkpower #pinktakeover #sahw #sahgf #softlife and #pinkenergy. Bras are the new fashion trend as many have elected to wear them as tops or under see through garments.

The designer of the Diva Wings bra organizer only wanted one thing when she created the product; to see women to smile again. She found in herself the power to let go. To let go of being strong, the person with all the answers and working hard to help everyone but herself. She wanted women to enjoy their life on their terms, to reconnect with their soft side and for women to feel like women. She considers herself a bra-connoisseur and does not see why other women should not enjoy the beauty of bras as well.

Bras have changed over the years compared to the 80’s and 90’s. Years ago bras were neutral in color, not very well made, the fabric was a disaster and the fit was uncomfortable. According to the Diva Wings team of bra fitters and ambassadors, over 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. If women are wearing the wrong size bra that affects posture, attitude, fatigue and self-confidence. As women have changed, the bra industry has changed with the evolved woman. The woman who makes time to visit a bra shop and do a little something for herself. Now it is time to change the way they store their bras. Storing a bra in the drawer can cause major damage to an expensive bra. Once the bra is tangled it could ruin the finish of a bra. A good standard bra can cost around $48 dollars. A nicer bra can start at about $70. The first thing suggested is to have a professional bra fitter take the chest area measurements. Because without the right fit, the wearer will be miserable adjusting straps and resetting the girls throughout the day. The best advice from long serving bra fitters is to get measured and then shop! While shopping buyers should think about how they plan to protect their investment in a good bra storage system.

The Diva Wings offers simple storage and easy access. Shaped like a pair of angel wings, The Diva Wings is made of soft velvet with an extended hook. The wing span is 17 1/4 inches, allowing adequate space to accommodate more bras than most organizers. The height of the wings prevents the bras from twisting and turning. While the angle of the wings prevents slipping as well as stacking. The female founder came up with the idea after snagging one of her own lace bras entangled in the drawer. She vowed to never again let one of her bras be destroyed. It is one of those things only a woman could understand.

The Diva Wings come in a set of one organizer with one door hook. It can be used on the back of a door or in the closet. The Diva Wings is the modern day solution for organizing and storing bras in a neat and tidy way. Save time during the morning rush and have more time to relax with a cup of coffee.

The Diva Wings adds value to any woman who wants to keep her bras organized and easily accessible. The real Diva Wings bra organizer makes it easier to find the right bra for any occasion. Our goal is to create a positive morning routine with seamless bra selection.

Kathleen Hearod
Kaptured V, LLC
+1 404-345-9905
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Stop hanging your bras all over the place!

Originally published at

The post The Real Diva Wings Bra Organizer Disrupts the Bra Industry first appeared on Beauty Ring Magazine.